Palavras, Som, Imagem

Algo para reflectir

I never return to love somebody
now all that i need is all i see in you
and only you
and if you get lost I'll always find you
you're all that i need your heart will keep you true
my only you

You make me fall and i can't sleep
You're holding on but it's too deep
and i can't give it away
I just can't give it away

when you slowly close your eyes
replay the moment in your mind
just give it away
just give it away
when you slowly close your eyes
replay the moment in your mind
just give it away
just give it away

Don't ever forget to tell somebody
the feelings inside
to make your dreams come true
I dream of you
to feel so alive and want somebody
it's not make believe
my world would be for you
and only you

You make me fall and i can't sleep
You're holding on but it's too deep
and i can't give it away
I just can't give it away

When you slowly close your eyes
replay the moment in your mind
we can just give it away
breathe out and give it away
When you slowly close your eyes
replay the moment in your mind
we can just give it away
breathe out and give it away

1 comentários:

Anónimo disse... 10:37 da tarde  

wow!! realmente nnca tinha prestado atenção á letra desta música.. e como ela diz tudo sobre o momento que estás a passar. " I just can't give it away ", como tu dizes e muito bem nós limitamos a seguir as escolhas do nosso coração.. Agora tens é de seguir com calma e tentar conciliar o que a cabeça diz e o que o coração sente.. Forçaaa... qualquer coisa já sabes ;) bad pie